Dive-in to Pandas (Basic)

Pandas is a Python library for doing data analysis. It's really fast and lets you do exploratory work incredibly quickly.

It provides an R-like DataFrame, produces high quality plots with matplotlib, and integrates nicely with other libraries that expect NumPy arrays. In this post, I'll go through the basics of pandas. Check out the (very readable) pandas docs or the pandas cookbook if you want to learn more.

OK, let's get started.

In [1]:
#Importing required Python packages
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from pprint import pprint
import pandas as pd
import zipfile
import requests
import StringIO
import datetime
import seaborn

np.random.seed(sum(map(ord, "aesthetics")))

pd.set_option('display.mpl_style', 'default') # Make the graphs a bit prettier
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (15, 5) 

Reading from CSV

It's easy to read CSV files directly in Pandas. Let's read a file from the UCI Machine Learning Repo.

Dataset name - Citi Bike Trip Histories
Source - NYC Bike Share/311 calls from NYC Open Data

The dataset has info about where Citi Bikers ride, When they ride, How far they go and so on. We'll be looking at the Bike Trip dataset for Jan 2014.

In [20]:
#The Dataset is a zip file. So let's first read in the dataset through requests then pass it on to Pandas through the
#read_csv command

bike=pd.read_csv(z.open('2014-02 - Citi Bike trip data.csv'))
In [21]:
#Display the Top 5 rows in the dataset
print bike.head()
   tripduration            starttime             stoptime  start station id  \
0           382  2014-02-01 00:00:00  2014-02-01 00:06:22               294   
1           372  2014-02-01 00:00:03  2014-02-01 00:06:15               285   
2           591  2014-02-01 00:00:09  2014-02-01 00:10:00               247   
3           583  2014-02-01 00:00:32  2014-02-01 00:10:15               357   
4           223  2014-02-01 00:00:41  2014-02-01 00:04:24               401   

        start station name  start station latitude  start station longitude  \
0      Washington Square E               40.730494               -73.995721   
1       Broadway & E 14 St               40.734546               -73.990741   
2   Perry St & Bleecker St               40.735354               -74.004831   
3       E 11 St & Broadway               40.732618               -73.991580   
4  Allen St & Rivington St               40.720196               -73.989978   

   end station id          end station name  end station latitude  \
0             265  Stanton St & Chrystie St             40.722293   
1             439            E 4 St & 2 Ave             40.726281   
2             251       Mott St & Prince St             40.723180   
3             284     Greenwich Ave & 8 Ave             40.739017   
4             439            E 4 St & 2 Ave             40.726281   

   end station longitude  bikeid    usertype birth year  gender  
0             -73.991475   21101  Subscriber       1991       1  
1             -73.989780   15456  Subscriber       1979       2  
2             -73.994800   16281  Subscriber       1948       2  
3             -74.002638   17400  Subscriber       1981       1  
4             -73.989780   19341  Subscriber       1990       1  

In [23]:
#Let's specify some optional parameters to make the dataset more digestable
bike=pd.read_csv(z.open('2014-02 - Citi Bike trip data.csv'), encoding='utf8', parse_dates=['starttime','stoptime'], 
#Note above, we could've simply said index_cols = bikeid but it would drop the actual column. To retain bikeid in the
#dataset, I set index to None initially then replaced it with bikeid, this time setting the option not to drop the column.
#If this is complicated, skip and continue, I will illustrate in detail later.
print bike.head()
   tripduration           starttime            stoptime  start station id  \
0           382 2014-02-01 00:00:00 2014-02-01 00:06:22               294   
1           372 2014-02-01 00:00:03 2014-02-01 00:06:15               285   
2           591 2014-02-01 00:00:09 2014-02-01 00:10:00               247   
3           583 2014-02-01 00:00:32 2014-02-01 00:10:15               357   
4           223 2014-02-01 00:00:41 2014-02-01 00:04:24               401   

        start station name  start station latitude  start station longitude  \
0      Washington Square E               40.730494               -73.995721   
1       Broadway & E 14 St               40.734546               -73.990741   
2   Perry St & Bleecker St               40.735354               -74.004831   
3       E 11 St & Broadway               40.732618               -73.991580   
4  Allen St & Rivington St               40.720196               -73.989978   

   end station id          end station name  end station latitude  \
0             265  Stanton St & Chrystie St             40.722293   
1             439            E 4 St & 2 Ave             40.726281   
2             251       Mott St & Prince St             40.723180   
3             284     Greenwich Ave & 8 Ave             40.739017   
4             439            E 4 St & 2 Ave             40.726281   

   end station longitude  bikeid    usertype birth year  gender  
0             -73.991475   21101  Subscriber       1991       1  
1             -73.989780   15456  Subscriber       1979       2  
2             -73.994800   16281  Subscriber       1948       2  
3             -74.002638   17400  Subscriber       1981       1  
4             -73.989780   19341  Subscriber       1990       1  

In [326]:
#The object we've imported bike is called a DataFrame, and is made up of rows and columns. 
#Think of this like excel on wheels.

#Let's get some info on the columns our dataframe.
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 224736 entries, 0 to 224735
Data columns (total 15 columns):
tripduration               224736 non-null int64
starttime                  224736 non-null datetime64[ns]
stoptime                   224736 non-null datetime64[ns]
start station id           224736 non-null int64
start station name         224736 non-null object
start station latitude     224736 non-null float64
start station longitude    224736 non-null float64
end station id             224736 non-null int64
end station name           224736 non-null object
end station latitude       224736 non-null float64
end station longitude      224736 non-null float64
bikeid                     224736 non-null int64
usertype                   224736 non-null object
birth year                 224736 non-null object
gender                     224736 non-null int64
dtypes: datetime64[ns](2), float64(4), int64(5), object(4)
In [53]:
#Some more detail
tripduration start station id start station latitude start station longitude end station id end station latitude end station longitude gender
count 224736.000000 224736.000000 224736.000000 224736.000000 224736.000000 224736.000000 224736.000000 224736.000000
mean 874.519810 439.203479 40.734366 -73.990386 440.741995 40.734221 -73.990521 1.154617
std 5486.092219 335.723861 0.019031 0.011853 341.497433 0.019048 0.011920 0.436592
min 60.000000 72.000000 40.680342 -74.017134 72.000000 40.680342 -74.017134 0.000000
25% 360.000000 305.000000 40.721854 -73.998522 305.000000 40.721816 -73.999061 1.000000
50% 544.000000 403.000000 40.736197 -73.990617 403.000000 40.735877 -73.990741 1.000000
75% 845.000000 490.000000 40.749156 -73.981918 488.000000 40.749013 -73.981948 1.000000
max 766108.000000 3002.000000 40.770513 -73.950048 3002.000000 40.770513 -73.950048 2.000000
In [24]:
#Accessing Columns
print bike['gender'].head() #or just bike.gender
0    1
1    2
2    2
3    1
4    1
Name: gender, dtype: int64

In [87]:
#Plenty of functions/transformations available - this below lists the unique values.
print bike.gender.unique()

#Calling a histogram on a column by using hist()
bike['start station id'].hist()

#Try hitting tab after bike.colname to see options
[1 2 0]

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f8757f3c350>
In [91]:
#Plotting is easy, we could just do a table.colname.plot() but to get something pretty to display, let's do
#a scatter plot
plt.scatter(bike.index[:25], bike['tripduration'][:25], cmap=plt.cm.RdBu)
In [92]:
#Slicing - first 5 rows in the DF
tripduration starttime stoptime start station id start station name start station latitude start station longitude end station id end station name end station latitude end station longitude usertype birth year gender
21101 382 2014-02-01 00:00:00 2014-02-01 00:06:22 294 Washington Square E 40.730494 -73.995721 265 Stanton St & Chrystie St 40.722293 -73.991475 Subscriber 1991 1
15456 372 2014-02-01 00:00:03 2014-02-01 00:06:15 285 Broadway & E 14 St 40.734546 -73.990741 439 E 4 St & 2 Ave 40.726281 -73.989780 Subscriber 1979 2
16281 591 2014-02-01 00:00:09 2014-02-01 00:10:00 247 Perry St & Bleecker St 40.735354 -74.004831 251 Mott St & Prince St 40.723180 -73.994800 Subscriber 1948 2
17400 583 2014-02-01 00:00:32 2014-02-01 00:10:15 357 E 11 St & Broadway 40.732618 -73.991580 284 Greenwich Ave & 8 Ave 40.739017 -74.002638 Subscriber 1981 1
19341 223 2014-02-01 00:00:41 2014-02-01 00:04:24 401 Allen St & Rivington St 40.720196 -73.989978 439 E 4 St & 2 Ave 40.726281 -73.989780 Subscriber 1990 1
In [105]:
#Slicing - first 5 rows of specific column(s)

##Note the 2 sets of [] - list of lists
gender tripduration
21101 1 382
15456 2 372
16281 2 591
17400 1 583
19341 1 223
In [117]:
#Find the startstation id with the maximum trips
bike['start station id'].value_counts()

#It's station 293 with 2920 trips
293    2920
519    2719
497    2493
435    2403
521    2171
490    1944
477    1916
382    1808
151    1796
285    1795
402    1694
318    1688
492    1570
444    1562
379    1538
298     89
339     82
242     76
218     76
2001    75
216     72
253     69
372     57
119     57
418     56
431     54
278     45
443     41
2005    36
320      4
Length: 329, dtype: int64
In [167]:
#Find the start station with the longest trip

#First find the longest trip
print "Longest Trip: %.6f" %bike.tripduration.max()

#Now retrieve row from DF where duration is the longest

Longest Trip: 766108.000000

tripduration starttime stoptime start station id start station name start station latitude start station longitude end station id end station name end station latitude end station longitude usertype birth year gender
15379 766108 2014-02-08 15:52:51 2014-02-17 12:41:19 353 S Portland Ave & Hanson Pl 40.685396 -73.974315 281 Grand Army Plaza & Central Park S 40.764397 -73.973715 Subscriber 1982 2
In [171]:
#Find the start station with the longest trip by a Female Biker

#First find the longest trip by a female biker
print "Longest Trip by a Female Biker: %.6f" %bike[bike.gender==1].tripduration.max()

#Now retrieve row from DF where duration is the longest

Longest Trip by a Female Biker: 585281.000000

tripduration starttime stoptime start station id start station name start station latitude start station longitude end station id end station name end station latitude end station longitude usertype birth year gender
16149 585281 2014-02-13 16:52:23 2014-02-20 11:27:04 252 MacDougal St & Washington Sq 40.732264 -73.998522 348 W Broadway & Spring St 40.72491 -74.001547 Subscriber 1973 1
In [204]:
#Plot the Top 10 longest trips by Male Subscribers as a Bar Plot

#Let's first get all Male Subscribers
bike[(bike.usertype=="Subscriber") & (bike.gender==2)]

#Now, valuecounts of tripduration for these subscribers - only the Top 10
print "Top 10 Male Subscribers with the longest trips"
print bike[(bike.usertype=="Subscriber") & (bike.gender==2)].tripduration.value_counts()[:10]

#Now we'll just plot this as a bar
bike[(bike.usertype=="Subscriber") & (bike.gender==2)].tripduration.value_counts()[:10].plot(kind='bar')
plt.suptitle('Top 10 Longest Trips by Male Subscribers', fontsize=14)
Top 10 Male Subscribers with the longest trips
427    76
557    71
403    70
385    70
530    68
458    68
372    68
364    67
420    67
531    66
dtype: int64

In [213]:
#The columns of a Data Frame are of type called Series. These are internally just numpy arrays, which we can find out
#by calling the values() method
bike['start station id'].values
array([294, 285, 247, ..., 497, 353, 252])
In [327]:
#OK let's dig into some Time Series functionality. Pandas again is excellent in this area.

#Say we want to get the day from the timestamp
#NOTE: the .day, .month.. functions work only if the Date field is indexed. Since in our case it's not we had to
#temporarily index it. Otherwise we could've just done a bike.starttime.day

#Let's calc and store the weekday. Note we're adding this as a new column to bike
In [336]:
#GROUP BY - now let's say we want to group all bikers by weekday we could do

#Let's add weekday as an index to the DF. We're choosing to append rather than replace the original index.
bike.set_index('weekday',drop='false', append='true')
print test

#Say we wanted to plot this, but we want to change the indexes to something meaningful
0          27222
1          35022
2          31020
3          31900
4          30371
5          34062
6          35139
Name: bikeid, dtype: int64

In [369]:
#Let's now group all Customers on working days
grouped=grouped[(grouped.index.values>=1) & (grouped.index.values<=5)]
plt.suptitle('Customers biking on Working Days', fontsize=14)
In [2]:
#OK great let's now grab some weather data from San Francisco from Weather Underground. Firstly we'll define a custom URL
#to grab specific months of data.

#The URL template will have placeholders for dates so we can fill them up as we like.
url_template='http://www.wunderground.com/history/airport/KSFO/{start_year}/{start_month}/{start_day}' \
             '/CustomHistory.html?dayend={end_day}&monthend={end_month}&yearend={end_year}' \

#Let's generate the URL to retrieve data from Sep 1, 2014 to Dec 10,2014
url=url_template.format(start_year=2014, start_month=9, start_day=1, end_year=2014, end_month=12, end_day=10)

#Great, let's now open the URL and read it in as a CSV.
sfo=pd.read_csv(url, header=1, parse_dates=True, index_col='PST')
In [25]:
print sfo.head()
            MaxTemperatureF  MeanTemperatureF  MinTemperatureF  MaxDewPointF  \
2014-08-01               72                66               59            58   
2014-08-02               69                64               59            57   
2014-08-03               70                65               60            57   
2014-08-04               75                68               60            59   
2014-08-05               74                68               62            62   

            MeanDewPointF  MinDewpointF  MaxHumidity  MeanHumidity  \
2014-08-01             57            57           90            76   
2014-08-02             56            55           93            78   
2014-08-03             56            55           84            73   
2014-08-04             57            55           84            73   
2014-08-05             58            57           84            75   

            MinHumidity  MaxSeaLevelPressureIn          ...            \
2014-08-01           61                  29.93          ...             
2014-08-02           63                  29.96          ...             
2014-08-03           61                  29.98          ...             
2014-08-04           61                  30.01          ...             
2014-08-05           66                  30.08          ...             

            MaxVisibilityMiles  MeanVisibilityMiles  MinVisibilityMiles  \
2014-08-01                  10                   10                  10   
2014-08-02                  10                   10                  10   
2014-08-03                  10                   10                  10   
2014-08-04                  10                   10                  10   
2014-08-05                  10                   10                  10   

            MaxWindSpeedMPH  MeanWindSpeedMPH  MaxGustSpeedMPH  \
2014-08-01               24                15               29   
2014-08-02               27                16               33   
2014-08-03               22                11               28   
2014-08-04               16                 9               22   
2014-08-05               23                11               26   

            PrecipitationIn  CloudCover Events  WindDirDegrees<br/>  
2014-08-01             0.00           3    NaN            297<br />  
2014-08-02             0.00           4    NaN            286<br />  
2014-08-03             0.00           6    NaN            254<br />  
2014-08-04             0.00           6    NaN            261<br />  
2014-08-05             0.00           6    NaN            296<br />  

[5 rows x 22 columns]

In [3]:
#Let's remove spaces in column names to make things easier down the line.
sfo = sfo.rename(columns=lambda x: x.replace(' ', ''))
Index([u'MaxTemperatureF', u'MeanTemperatureF', u'MinTemperatureF', u'MaxDewPointF', u'MeanDewPointF', u'MinDewpointF', u'MaxHumidity', u'MeanHumidity', u'MinHumidity', u'MaxSeaLevelPressureIn', u'MeanSeaLevelPressureIn', u'MinSeaLevelPressureIn', u'MaxVisibilityMiles', u'MeanVisibilityMiles', u'MinVisibilityMiles', u'MaxWindSpeedMPH', u'MeanWindSpeedMPH', u'MaxGustSpeedMPH', u'PrecipitationIn', u'CloudCover', u'Events', u'WindDirDegrees<br/>'], dtype='object')
In [4]:
#Great, now let's plot the mean temp
with seaborn.axes_style('darkgrid'):
    sfo.MeanTemperatureF.plot(figsize=(15,5), color='brown')
plt.suptitle('San Francisco - Mean Temperatures in Fahrenheit',fontsize=15)

#That was as easy as it could get.
In [65]:
MaxTemperatureF MeanTemperatureF MinTemperatureF MaxDewPointF MeanDewPointF MinDewpointF MaxHumidity MeanHumidity MinHumidity MaxSeaLevelPressureIn MeanSeaLevelPressureIn MinSeaLevelPressureIn MaxVisibilityMiles MeanVisibilityMiles MinVisibilityMiles MaxWindSpeedMPH MeanWindSpeedMPH MaxGustSpeedMPH CloudCover hour
count 101.000000 101.000000 101.000000 101.000000 101.000000 101.000000 101.000000 101.000000 101.000000 101.000000 101.000000 101.000000 101 101.000000 101.000000 101.000000 101.000000 101.000000 101.000000 101
mean 72.495050 65.405941 57.831683 59.316832 55.722772 51.821782 91.009901 73.871287 56.237624 30.047327 29.989208 29.931188 10 9.465347 7.445545 19.990099 7.831683 24.821782 3.801980 0
std 7.315222 5.312585 4.406970 3.679486 4.343084 6.358295 7.686996 10.905653 15.820966 0.134907 0.134964 0.138818 0 0.975339 3.579037 5.148777 3.307777 6.219961 2.135508 0
min 60.000000 55.000000 46.000000 49.000000 38.000000 28.000000 67.000000 43.000000 13.000000 29.810000 29.750000 29.680000 10 5.000000 0.000000 8.000000 1.000000 12.000000 0.000000 0
25% 67.000000 61.000000 56.000000 57.000000 54.000000 49.000000 87.000000 69.000000 48.000000 29.950000 29.900000 29.840000 10 9.000000 4.000000 16.000000 5.000000 21.000000 2.000000 0
50% 72.000000 66.000000 58.000000 60.000000 57.000000 54.000000 90.000000 74.000000 57.000000 30.020000 29.970000 29.910000 10 10.000000 10.000000 21.000000 8.000000 25.000000 4.000000 0
75% 76.000000 69.000000 61.000000 61.000000 58.000000 56.000000 100.000000 80.000000 66.000000 30.130000 30.070000 30.020000 10 10.000000 10.000000 24.000000 10.000000 29.000000 6.000000 0
max 95.000000 81.000000 66.000000 66.000000 64.000000 62.000000 100.000000 95.000000 90.000000 30.460000 30.390000 30.330000 10 10.000000 10.000000 32.000000 14.000000 50.000000 8.000000 0
In [17]:
#It's easy to concactenate dataframes

#Let's generate the URL to retrieve data from Aug 1, 2014 to Aug 31,2014
url=url_template.format(start_year=2014, start_month=8, start_day=1, end_year=2014, end_month=8, end_day=31)

#Great, let's now open the URL and read it in as a CSV.
sfo_aug=pd.read_csv(url, header=1, parse_dates=True, index_col='PDT')

#Renaming columns
sfo_aug = sfo_aug.rename(columns=lambda x: x.replace(' ', ''))

#Concatenate Aug and Sep months
sfo = pd.concat([sfo_aug,sfo])

<bound method DatetimeIndex.get_values of <class 'pandas.tseries.index.DatetimeIndex'>
[2014-08-01, ..., 2014-12-10]
Length: 194, Freq: None, Timezone: None>
In [18]:
#Saving back to CSV

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